I don’t even know what I’m talking about (Number 6) My latest Facebook controversy

Steven Wood
8 min readJan 9, 2019

Hello everyone and welcome to what I can only describe as a long overdue edition of I don’t even know what I’m talking about. This is where I tell you what’s going on with me what I’ve been doing, seen, watched, loved, hated and even observed in the last few days. And to top everything it’s the first one of 2019. Yes we’ve hit 2019. It’s getting into Sci Fi territory now guys. I feel like we should be seeing flying cars and stuff by now.

Anyway before I get all Jetsons whimsical on you I’m just going to do the news real quick. There are 2 articles up already for 2019. Video Games 6 which took in Minecraft among other things and you can read that article here https://medium.com/@stevewood_54779/video-games-ive-enjoyed-over-the-years-part-6-6856149c87d7 now in that article I did mention that certain titles will not get a mention like call of duty or player unknown battlegrounds for example simply because I haven’t played them. Well. Actually I did play one round of Pub G an hated it so it wouldn’t be a fair review. I don’t know for certain how many more articles there will be in that series. If I had to guess I’d say about 5 at the most. But we are getting into very next gen territory here and I’ve played a lot of games on the Xbox One. Without spoilers I’ll be talking about a few more racing games, two games that actually made me cry and what my display picture is about (among other things)

The latest why the new Trance Nation sucks article is out now https://medium.com/@stevewood_54779/why-i-think-the-new-trance-nation-album-sucks-part-4-the-u-k-2003-2009-e4e7c3dd64e3 it’s quite a lengthy read but it actually tells a good portion of the reason as to why I have the opinion I express. For some reason though the display picture has stopped showing up on those articles and I’ve no idea why. *Edit: it’s now showing back up again after I changed the most recent display picture*

What I’ve also done in that article is to (for the first time) use quotes from consumers on both Discogs and amazon and I’ve done this so that I can really ram home the point behind the whole series which has finally been revealed for the first time (in part) so it was important (I felt) to do that. Which is also why the article is so long and took 2 days to write.

And one more thing. I know I called the last one of these “bah humbug” but in all seriousness I hope oh valued reader that you did have a merry Christmas and I do wish you a happy new year.

Speaking of new year and merry Christmas and all that lets get to the good stuff. Now normally these articles are totally unplanned and there’s not normally a schedule to this series but today that’s not entirely the case because I have actually planned this (a little)

I’ve had an interesting time on Facebook lately for a couple of reasons. The first of which is my professional life has changed slightly. Now it’s normal for me at least that most changes in my life happen in January. I’ve lost jobs in January in the past. Every relationship I’ve ever had has ended in January. It’s a very turbulent month of the year for me. This year has been no exception. In I.D.E.K.W.I.T.A number one I gave a brief review of the Shanghai 6 hours and mentioned that I admin a group on Facebook that was about the World Endurance Championship and I really enjoyed doing it. But the guy that I considered my boss had what I can only describe as a mental breakdown and did all kinds of stuff that went against the values of what we stood for as a group. Not so much in the world endurance group but the Formula one and Formula E groups as well. So said boss was booted out of the Formula One group which for now is the only one I run and the now ex boss of mine is running the Formula E group and has killed off the WEC group.. Which actually means that if I wanted (and I do want to) I could easily start my own WEC or even Sportscar racing group. There’s a thought for you. I left his groups behind after he sent a very abusive message to a colleague which ended in him referring to her as a fat c**t.. Now.. While his intended target is pretty thick skinned I still, in a show of solidarity, decided to walk away from anything to do with him. This was after he went off the rails and fired another very valued member of the team.

It was probably the messiest piece of people politics I’ve encountered for a long time and I say that as someone who used to work for Argos so you know it was bad.

Now if that was the only thing that happened on Facebook it would be remarkable enough but the next thing that happened was equally interesting and again I’ll spare you the names because I don’t actually want to embarrass anyone here. But after that I then had a former apprentice candidate block me on Facebook. There isn’t much to this story really but the fact that I clearly struck a nerve kind of makes me laugh. There was a female former apprentice star who made the news a few days ago because someone punched her in the face. Not something I would normally laugh at. I’m not like that guys. But the two pictures she shared on social media and the two pictures that the newspapers picked up on showed the black eye she got to be in 2 different places. So on different eyes. Her excuse (somewhat flimsy excuse as it transpires) was that the selfie cam on her phone mirrors the image so it’s like looking in the mirror and things are simply the other way round. As it happens I have the exact same phone as her. The good old iPhone that doesn’t have a headphone jack and I’ve only gone and lost the adaptor for my headphones which sucks. Anyway. The point is as you can see in the picture above the image is NOT reversed if you use the selfie cam on that particular make of phone (the letter S on my T-shirt is clearly an S and not whatever the reverse equivalent is) all of a sudden she dropped the invite to speak to her on video chat (she couldn’t even name a video chat application by the way which tells me she was simply panicking.. Skype perhaps?? fucking idiot!!) I showed this picture as evidence for the claim that maybe it was bullshit at which point she typed a load obscenities to me and blocked me before I could respond. I kind of feel like I won that exchange but at the same time I’m also not bothered because I’ve got things to do and frankly minor celebrities having a problem with me as a person is not high on my list of things to worry about.

And that ladies and gentlemen was my week on Facebook.

So what else happened? Well I took the Christmas decorations down. And I know for a fact that there’s a massive tangle in the Christmas lights already but given that I already took a fair portion of CD2 of Psy Trance Euphoria to try and solve the problem already I just lost the will to live. Seriously Christmas lights are pretty annoying. My parents lights got so badly tangled the wire was damaged and they had to buy some new ones. And in all honesty now that I own my own home and don’t live with family anymore as such (OK my wife is family but I’m talking original family here) this is the one of the reasons I can’t enjoy Christmas anymore because once those dam lights are on that tree i know I’ve got a fight on in about a month or so to get them down again and not get them tangled. Even when they’re on the tree they somehow get tangled.. How?? I don’t know.

The Senna letter S shirt by the way was a Christmas present from my mum and I also got a copy of THAT F1 season review. Now that review.. I hate to say this guys but.. I was right. It’s awful alright. It does use the Sky F1 commentary and it does basically include a rehash of the world feed so that you won’t see much different. In fact the video highlights on the YouTube channel are longer than the official review highlights so (if you don’t care about 5.1 surround sound and so on) you’re probably better off with that playlist frankly. There was a time when the official review was hours long covered everything in detail and we got a full picture of stuff that if you only watched the TV feed that was free to air you wouldn’t have seen before.

In fact this has inspired me to do a series on F1 reviews. I own and have therefore watched all of them so I see no real reason why I can’t. The only downside is that Keith Coltaine from Racefans.net has already done this but in his article he missed 1991 entirely and frankly his reviews (as much as I love him as a journalist) actually rubbed me the wrong way somewhat so yeah I’m doing this. I may only do up to 2010 however because after that it gets a little complicated but you never know we’ll see how it goes.

Keep in mind though guys I’ve got 2 series on going at the moment and i’m not making anymore while these are on going so when one of the 2 finishes then I’ll start the next one.

But for now that’s where I’m ending this one. Thanks for reading and putting up with me ranting again. There will be more from me very soon.



Steven Wood

I’m just a guy with no writing experience or expertise whatsoever writing about the things that interest me. This is my extended therapy session